machines and tools/tools/scissors and cutting tools
25,00 €
per unit
Ciseaux ergonomiques
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0.70 € + 7% of the item's price
About Ciseaux ergonomiques
Ciseaux de couturière ergonomiques. Marque Mediac 35% acier inoxydable 65% aluminium 23,5 cm NEUFS valeur 39€
- Categorymachines and tools
- Sub Categorytools
- Product Typescissors and cutting tools
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Ciseaux ergonomiques
Ciseaux ergonomiques
25,00 €
We secure your purchase
Platform fee is added to each transaction using the Buy nowbutton. Platform fee includes the sewtoo refund policy
Platform fee
0.70 € + 7% of the item's price
25,00 €
per unit