bande ourlet auto-adhesive
We secure your purchase
Platform fee is added to each transaction using the Buy nowbutton. Platform fee includes the sewtoo refund policy
Platform fee
0.70 € + 7% of the item's price
About bande ourlet auto-adhesive
rouleau de bande ourlet auto-adhésive ce rouleau de ruban à ourler sans couture fixera fermement des tissus qui peuvent être pressés à la vapeur sur la bande adhésive peut être appliqué sur des tissus sans couture.
- Categorynotions
- Sub Categorytrims
- Product Typeother trims
White | Unbleached
bande ourlet auto-adhesive
bande ourlet auto-adhesive
3,00 €
We secure your purchase
Platform fee is added to each transaction using the Buy nowbutton. Platform fee includes the sewtoo refund policy
Platform fee
0.70 € + 7% of the item's price